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Webinar, March 1:

US (NJ): Unlocking the full potential of energy rebates for cultivators

Join cultivation and energy rebate specialists Mikhail Sagal and Tony Pavlakis for an educational webinar presented by TSRgrow and hosted by the New Jersey CannaBusiness Association. This is an opportunity to learn how to optimize your cultivation practices and save on energy efficiency rebates for exclusive commercial cultivators in New Jersey as well as other areas of the country.

"Gain valuable insights into navigating energy rebates and implementing foolproof energy efficiency strategies for your facility. Explore how commercial cultivators have achieved remarkable cultivation results, reducing energy consumption and securing energy efficiency rebates of 70% and more growing with advanced LED lighting solutions. Discover the secrets to bolstering your bottom line and elevating both crop quality and yields using state-of-the-art technology designed for energy efficiency. Register today to unlock the untapped potential of energy rebates available for cultivators and revolutionize your cultivation operation," the organizers say.

"Don't miss this special chance to uncover the hidden benefits of energy rebates for cultivators in the New Jersey cannabis market. Register now to transform your cultivation operation and stay ahead in this ever-evolving industry."

Event details:
Unlocking the Full Potential of Energy Rebates in the Thriving NJ Market
Hosted by NJ CannaBusiness Association
Presented by TSRgrow
March 1, 2024 - 12:00 Noon
Online Webinar: Click below to Register

Click here to register.

For more information:
[email protected]

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