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US (MO): Hearing on recall of 60,000 products begins

Jason Sparks is an Oklahoma man who almost singlehandedly created the distillate that led to Missouri regulators' decision to pull more than 60,000 cannabis products off the shelves in August and revoke the license of Robertsville-based Delta Extraction.
Now, he's the star witness in a hearing scheduled to begin Monday morning, where Delta will try to convince the Administrative Hearing Commission to reverse its license revocation and allow it to sell its product in Missouri.

In the days leading up to Monday's much-anticipated hearing, the state and Delta Extractions filed hundreds of documents detailing the investigation into cannabis products the state has deemed illegal and the company is aggressively arguing against.

Among them is the eight-hour testimony of Sparks, who the state's attorney called one of its "most important witnesses." Delta Extraction contracted Sparks' company, SND Equipment Leasing, to make the distillate — or a THC concentrate that goes into the vape cartridges and edibles.

When he first began in March 2022, Sparks was making the distillate only for the cannabis brand Conte, an Oklahoma-based company.


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