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US (CA): Controversial ballot initiative fails in Humboldt County

Cannabis farmers in Humboldt County are exhaling a deep sigh of relief after a controversial ballot initiative was rejected by voters Tuesday. Pot farmers had warned that the initiative, titled Measure A, would have wiped out the local cannabis farming economy by severely restricting how farms could operate in the county. Even the Humboldt County government warned in a report that the measure would render the local pot industry "not viable" if it became law.

But those concerns have been alleviated after voters rejected the measure on Tuesday, with 73.36% of voters saying no according to the latest tally. Dylan Mattole, a cannabis farmer and chairman of the Humboldt County Growers Alliance, a local cannabis trade group, said local cannabis farmers were thrilled that the measure had failed.

"There's a feeling of relief from knowing that our community accepts us and that we're not going to have to keep fighting for the right to do business," Mattole told SFGATE.


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