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US (MI): Lansing business loses licenses over 'illicit' products

The Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency Thursday announced that a Lansing cannabis business would surrender its medical and adult-use processor licenses because it had been mixing legal and illicit products for the retail market.

CRA said it signed a consent order and stipulation with TAS Asset Holdings, which also used the name Noble Road Company. In February 2023, the CRA issued formal complaints and announced summary suspensions of TAS' medical and adult-use processor licenses.

TAS has been closed since February 2023. Its licenses "shall not be" renewed, reinstated, reissued or reactivated, limited or otherwise, at any future date, the CRA said.

"Based on its investigation of the conduct alleged in the complaint, the CRA determined at the time that the safety or health of patrons or employees was jeopardized by TAS' continued operation and that emergency action was required," the CRA said.


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