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Partnership to provide operators with compliant lending options

FundCanna announced a partnership with Greenbax Marketplace. Greenbax is dedicated to providing safe and secure banking services to cannabis companies. The partnership with FundCanna gives cannabis operators a trustworthy and compliant avenue for lending, which is desperately needed in the capital-intensive sector, the companies say.

"FundCanna's partnership with Greenbax solidifies our commitment to providing access to trusted lending solutions to operators across the cannabis industry," said Adam Stettner, founder and CEO of FundCanna. "One of the oldest and most respected cannabis banking programs partnering with one of the fastest-growing and most reliable cannabis funding organizations provides a major benefit to operators who are looking for partners they can trust and work with time and time again. In an industry dealing with a lack of liquidity, few reliable partnerships, and regulatory uncertainty, we must continue to work together to provide cannabis companies the same opportunities, tools, and services available to traditional businesses."

With 20 years and $20B of on-balance sheet lending experience, FundCanna is committed to broadening lending access to customers across the nation. Greenbax aims to level the playing field for cannabis businesses by providing convenient and compliant banking solutions and connecting customers to preferred partners for insurance, wealth management, and human resources needs. Greenbax's alliance with FundCanna gives customers access to two expert partners in the space. This partnership aims to streamline the application, documentation, and approval processes so customers can expect lending to be smoother than ever, according to the companies.

"The partnership with FundCanna will help many of our clients who simply want to run their cannabis companies like any other business," said Greenbax Marketplace President Carole McCormick. "We are excited to offer easily accessible solutions for banking and lending services to help business owners across the sector and the country."

Greenbax and FundCanna provide cannabis operators with access to banking and lending services that have historically been unattainable, either because of legal red tape or cost-prohibitive measures. Backed by North Bay Credit Union, an NCUA-insured financial institution, Greenbax customizes its services to meet each customer's unique goals. With FundCanna as a partner, Greenbax customers can expect industry-leading innovation and flexibility to service their funding needs.

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