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US (MI): University to offer cannabis courses

As the cannabis industry continues to blossom, Eastern Michigan University is offering two unique courses in the fall semester.

One of the courses, URP 479: Canna-plannnig: Marijuana Legalization and Land-Use in Michigan, will explore cannabis prohibition, the war on drugs, rural and urban cultivation, the regulation of legal sales, and the taxes generated from the industry. The class is intended to help students understand local and state cannabis laws.

"There isn't another course like this in the United States," Dr. RJ Koscielniak, an assistant professor in geography and geology, said in a statement Tuesday. "No other university is teaching this material and asking these kinds of questions with their students."

In 2023, licensed cannabis dispensaries in Michigan rang up a record of $3.06 billion in sales, a 25% increase over 2022. With a 10% excise tax on recreational cannabis sales, more than $274 million will go to local governments, schools, and roads this year, according to a Metro Times analysis.

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