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Guam: Bill would allow cannabis sales with no lab opened yet

Sen. William Parkinson has introduced legislation intended to exempt cannabis-related businesses from some testing requirements while there is no cannabis testing facility on Guam.

A testing laboratory is integral to developing a commercial cannabis industry on Guam, as under current regulations, no cannabis or cannabis products can be sold without being tested for potency and safety.

Bill 260-37, from Parkinson, states that while the requirements for a cannabis testing facility as defined in the Guam Cannabis Industry Act are laudable, they "could stop Guam's cannabis industry before it starts."

"I Liheslatura further finds that currently there are no cannabis testing facility companies on island that can or will meet the requirement that it is ISO 17025 accredited or certified by the Americans for Safe Access Patient Focused Certification Program, but there are several companies attempting to establish a cannabis business," the bill's findings and intent portion stated.

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