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New cannabis cultivation container launched

TSRgrow announces the launch of HarvestPRO, an all-inclusive container solution for cannabis cultivation. With a focus on simplicity, efficiency, and scalability, HarvestPRO provides a turnkey solution for businesses looking to kickstart their cannabis ventures.

"HarvestPRO container is a comprehensive solution that equips growers with everything needed to thrive in the competitive cannabis market. Collaborating with top industry partners to deliver a time-tested container solution, this package includes features such as advanced LED lighting with remote power technology, tables, HVAC and dehumidification, environmental monitoring, fertigation and TSRgrow's exclusive GROWHub cultivation software. With HarvestPRO, businesses can jumpstart their cultivation journey and achieve maximum return on investment in just 12 weeks," the TSRgrow team says.

Built on decades of cultivation experience, HarvestPRO cultivation containers boast state-of-the-art technology to create the optimal environment for cannabis plants. Effortlessly control lighting, temperature, fertigation and humidity to ensure crops reach their full potential.

Turnkey solution
Avoid the guesswork and dive into cultivation with confidence using TSRgrow's turnkey solution. Whether a seasoned grower or new to the cannabis market, HarvestPRO is user-friendly and backed by TSRgrow's customer support.

Compact and scalable
HarvestPRO empowers cultivators to take control of their cannabis business with containers that go where you go and grow as you do. In the new and dynamic EU cannabis market, the transportable containers are easily scalable to accommodate growing business needs.

Premium quality and support
TSRgrow's 24/7 remote monitoring ensures constant support, and the team of seasoned veterans, with decades of industry experience, gives growers and owners the peace of mind they need. "HarvestPRO is a game-changer for cannabis cultivators, offering a turnkey solution that combines cutting-edge technology, user-friendly design, and unparalleled support," said Mikhail Sagal, President at TSRgrow. "We believe that HarvestPRO will revolutionize the way businesses approach cannabis cultivation, particularly in the emerging EU market, providing the tools needed to thrive in this rapidly evolving industry."

For more information:
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