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Guam: First cannabis laboratory wants to open this year

The sole organization looking to start a cannabis laboratory for Guam wants to open up shop by this year. That's according to Blue Wave Inc. representative Shintaro Okada, who spoke during Monday's meeting of the Cannabis Control Board.

Doing business as Pacific Analytical Services, Blue Wave has taken steps towards obtaining a cannabis business license to operate a testing lab. A lab has to open up before the local cannabis industry gets off the ground, as all cannabis flowers grown on Guam have to be tested before they go to market.

With no lab open yet, lawmakers are now considering sidestepping the requirement. But Okada on Monday told cannabis commissioners that Blue Wave wants to open in the next few months.

Okada said the Department of Land Management has already inspected the space for the lab, and he is only waiting on clearances from the Guam Waterworks Authority. GWA has requested blueprints and engineering schematics for the project, and the contractor for the facility is moving forward with construction, Okada added.


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