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Zimbabwe farmers abandon food for hemp

In an ambitious move that marks a significant shift in its agricultural focus, Zimbabwe has registered over sixty entities in the hemp production, trade, and research sectors since the legal green light in 2018. Managed by the Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA), this initiative signals a new era for Zimbabwe's economy, which has historically been rooted in food production. However, this pivot towards industrial hemp cultivation—while promising—ignites concerns over the potential impacts on the nation's food security, challenging the agricultural legacy celebrated since the 1975 UN World Book records highlighted Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) as having the fastest-growing crop economy.

Hemp, known for its low psychoactive properties and wide range of industrial applications, including textiles and biofuels, represents a significant export opportunity for Zimbabwe. To date, the nation has exported over 8,000 tonnes to countries such as Poland, Switzerland, and Germany. AMA agribusiness director, Mr. Jonathan Mukuruba, is optimistic about this new agricultural venture. "The future of industrial hemp in Zimbabwe looks very promising… with a growing interest in the sector, Zimbabwe is on track to emerge as a regional leader in industrial hemp production," Mukuruba noted, highlighting the economic potential of this crop.

Despite the promising outlook, the move raises important questions about the allocation of agricultural resources. Zimbabwe's foray into hemp cultivation could mean diverting land and water resources traditionally used for food crops, potentially impacting the nation's food security. Critics of the shift argue that while industrial hemp offers economic benefits, prioritizing it over food crops could compromise Zimbabwe's ability to feed its population.

The partnership with Plantiqua Hemp, a Polish company aiming to enhance the quality and marketability of Zimbabwean hemp, underscores the international interest in Zimbabwe's hemp industry. This collaboration aims to "increase production and productivity," according to Mukuruba, by connecting local farmers with global markets.

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