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"This partnership provides cannabis businesses with greater access to loans and lines of credit"

FundCanna announced a partnership with StandardC, which named FundCanna as its preferred lending partner. StandardC works with a network of banking and financial service providers to transform risk and compliance for cannabis banking, business banking, insurance, lending, payroll and more. In the capital-intensive sector, the partnership between StandardC and FundCanna empowers cannabis businesses by providing greater access to loans and lines of credit and a trustworthy and compliant avenue for lending.

"Working capital continues to be a hurdle for companies in the cannabis industry. We're excited to collaborate with StandardC to provide its customers with the capital they need to succeed," said Adam Stettner, founder and CEO of FundCanna. "As a leader among capital providers working with cannabis businesses, FundCanna is proud to offer its expertise and tailored funding solutions to help provide cannabis companies with the same important capital solutions available to traditional businesses."

Traditionally, securing financing has been a significant challenge for cannabis businesses due to federal regulations. With 20 years and $20 billion of on-balance sheet lending experience, FundCanna is committed to broadening lending access to customers across the nation by providing cannabis operators with access to banking and lending services that have historically been unattainable, either because of legal red tape or cost-prohibitive measures. StandardC aims to streamline identity and compliance systems to empower financial institutions to deliver key customer service within complex regulatory systems, such as the cannabis industry.

Robert Mann, CEO of StandardC noted, "We're excited to partner with FundCanna to empower financial institutions and their cannabis business customers with access to needed working capital. Our combined expertise provides the tools needed to navigate the complexities of cannabis finance and bridge the gap between business owners, bankers and lenders like FundCanna."

FundCanna's partnership with StandardC will provide benefits for both the cannabis industry and the financial institutions that serve them. This includes a simplified application process and increased access to capital for growth for cannabis businesses, as well as enhanced risk assessment tools and streamlined compliance procedures to confidently serve the cannabis market for financial institutions.

This innovative partnership streamlines the loan application process by integrating StandardC's industry-leading business identity technology with FundCanna's expertise in cannabis finance. With FundCanna as a partner, StandardC customers can expect industry-leading innovation and flexibility to service their funding needs.

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