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Imported medicinal cannabis sold without testing for Australian standards, industry warns

When Terry Russell faced crippling, chronic back and leg pain, he was prescribed a debilitating dosage of opioids. "I was on so much OxyContin at one stage, I couldn't string two thoughts together," he said.

As an alternative, the 68-year-old tried medicinal cannabis and now takes three small amounts of cannabis oil each day, which he says helps. "I find it really good for the nerve pain," he said. "It's made a big difference to my life — I'm much more comfortable." Mr Russell is one of about 140,000 Australians currently prescribed cannabis by their doctor for medicinal purposes.

The little bottle he picks up from his pharmacy reads "Australian made," but that doesn't mean it is made from Australian ingredients. He felt deceived when he discovered that the cannabis he relies on may not necessarily be grown in Australia or subject to stringent Australian regulations.

"That symbol is there as a guide from the government to say that it is a product that is made and grown here," Mr Russell said.


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