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CAN: B.C. cannabis industry calls for government action

B.C. cannabis growers say the recently tabled Cannabis Act final report was a step forward but that more needs to be done to address the many challenges faced by the industry.

More than five years after cannabis was legalized in Canada, the government released its final report of the legislative review of the Cannabis Act in late March. The report included more than 50 recommendations for governments in areas including public health, Indigenous communities, the cannabis industry, and medical access.

"I was quite pleased with some of the recommendations in the report. It certainly went above and beyond what they were mandated to be able to do," said Deepak Anand, principal of ASDA Consultancy Services, a Vancouver-based consulting firm focusing on the cannabis industry.

He said some of the recommendations, if implemented by the government, will have major positive impacts on Canadian and B.C. cannabis businesses. This includes allowing pharmacies to dispense medical cannabis, something that is not currently permitted. Instead, individuals need to order medical cannabis online from a licensed producer.


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