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US (AL): Sponsor of MMJ bill makes proposal to resolve license stalemate

The state senator who sponsored the bill that passed three years ago authorizing medical marijuana in Alabama is trying to help fix the disputes over business licenses that have delayed the industry's start.

Sen. Tim Melson, R-Florence, introduced a bill to create a new process for the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission to issue licenses to integrated companies, which would be able to cultivate, process, transport, and dispense medical cannabis.

Integrated licenses have been the most disputed category of licenses that the AMCC will issue. More than 30 companies applied for licenses, but the AMCC can award no more than five.

The AMCC has awarded integrated licenses three times in the last 10 months, but problems with the procedures and lawsuits have prevented the licenses from being issued. Many of the companies that applied are parties in a lawsuit pending in Montgomery County Circuit Court.


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