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New Dutch lighting company aims to "LED the way"

Plenty of industry giants already walk the horticultural lighting space, but new players still appear. NLight has been around for some time, but is relatively new on the market. The company's lamps can be found in greenhouses where orchids, lilies lettuce and herbs are grown in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Kuwait and Vietnam.

"We want to keep engaging well with the horticultural and floriculture sectors with our RV1000 LED grow lights," says European sales director Robbert Jan in 't Veld. The company consists of a young and international team and wants to enable growers to respond to market changes. In addition, it aims to help growers tackle challenges in growing environments and optimize plant growth of various crops.

One of the growers with NLight lamps.

Inca Orchids
The RV1000 LED lamp has an efficiency of 3.1 - 3.8 μmol /j depending on the chosen spectrum. μmol/y stands for micromoles per joule and is a measure of the efficiency of a grow light system. "The RV1000 is flexible and can be custom made," says Robbert Jan. He says that the lamps can be dimmed via three levels with controllable far-red light. Growers can therefore adjust the light spectrum based on the specific needs of the crop.

NLight's priority is not only to increase crop yield and product quality, the company also wants to reduce costs for growers. "The lamps have a lighting angle of 150 degrees. An NLight fixture of 1000W is sufficient instead of 2x500W fixtures from competitors. This allows project and installation costs to be reduced."

The lamps are used in various greenhouses including Inca Orchids (Netherlands), Vitacress Herbs (England), Joy Plant (Netherlands), Dalat Hasfarm (Vietnam) and Greenlife Kuwait (Kuwait). Projects will be underway in Germany and the Netherlands in the coming months.

It is possible to only purchase fixtures from the company, but total solutions can also be purchased. The company can also install the lights for growers and a seven-year warranty is offered. NLight can also help growers with the financing process. They then give growers advice about a specific project. "We can support growers in their search for financing and subsidies."

"We want to become important in the lighting sector, but it will be difficult to compete with existing companies," says Robbert Jan. "With the team's fresh perspectives, good marketing plans and innovations, we can compete. We must continue to learn and grow."

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