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US (CA): "Consistent cannabis growth and higher yields throughout the winter months"

Signify installed the Philips GreenPower LED toplighting compact at Glass House Farms in Santa Barbara County, California. Glass House, one of the world's largest cannabis farms, faced challenges in maintaining consistent light levels year-round in their greenhouse operation. The installation of the Philips LED toplighting compact has enabled Glass House to more effectively manage its crops and ensure consistent light levels throughout the year.

Consistent results and sustainable cultivation
The unpredictability of natural light caused by coastal fog and the winter season is an issue for California-based greenhouse growers. "Dealing with Mother Nature (natural light) in general can be unpredictable. We can achieve consistent light levels year-round growing our cannabis with the Philips LEDs," said Tiffany Garcia de Alba, Head Grower at Glass House Farms.

Cannabis growers can also reduce energy waste within their facility when growing with LED lighting. Compared to traditional HPS lights, LED lighting produces less radiant heat and is more effective at converting electrical energy into growth-stimulating light for plants. As an environmentally conscious company, Glass House Farms began exploring energy-efficient LED grow lights, trialing the Philips LED toplighting compact in 2021 ― a product known for its high light output. The spectrum chosen for Glass House Farms is particularly efficient when supplementing natural light in greenhouse operations.

In addition to consistent light levels, the installation of the toplighting compact has allowed for more aggressive plant management. Garcia added, "With the installation of the lights, I've been able to push the plants harder, irrigating more, feeding more, just more aggressive in general, and that's resulted in higher yields."

"A winning partnership"
The Philips LED horticulture team consisting of a Key Account Manager, a Plant Specialist, and an Application Engineer, guided Glass House Farms in the installation of the Philips LED toplighting compact. "We love working with Mother Nature and all the amazing resources she gives us with no environmental or economic costs. But that also means being ready to handle unpredictable light levels. Working with the Philips lights has allowed us to take what Mother Nature gives us and then supplement it to give us more predictable light as well."

"We've enjoyed working with the Philips LED team because they not only are lighting experts, but they are plant experts as well," says Graham Farrar, president of Glass House Farms. "We've been really encouraged with the results that we've seen, and we're looking forward to advancing the frontiers of cannabis crop science."

Helping growers succeed
The Philips Horticulture LED team has worked with greenhouse growers since its founding in 2007 and has continued to innovate on LED luminaires to the benefit of cannabis cultivators. Udo van Slooten, Business Leader of Philips Horticulture LED Lighting, emphasized the importance of working closely with growers like Glass House Farms to develop innovative lighting solutions, "Our team of engineers is dedicated to researching and creating the most efficient and effective luminaires for greenhouse growers. Our goal is to provide growers like Glass House Farms with the most efficient and effective lighting solutions possible."

For more information:

Glass House Farms

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