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Slovenia to hold a referendum on cannabis legalization alongside EU parliament elections

Slovenia is set to hold a referendum on the legalization of cannabis cultivation simultaneously with the European Parliament elections on June 9, 2024, as reported by The Slovenia Times.

The initiative to combine the elections and the referendum was put forward by the largest party in the ruling coalition, the Freedom Movement, aiming to increase voter turnout. However, the Social Democrats and the opposition party, New Slovenia, sought to postpone the referendum date but were unsuccessful in their attempts.

The cannabis referendum question was changed considerably during the parliamentary process, from the initial proposal to inquire about support for the cultivation, processing, sale and use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, to two separate questions inquiring about the voters' support for cultivation and processing of cannabis for medical purposes, and "cultivation and possession of cannabis for limited personal use".

The question was changed after the parliamentary legal service reminded the initiators that the sale and use of cannabis for medicinal purposes is allowed already, but not the cultivation.

The legalization of cannabis has been a contentious topic in Slovenia, with proponents arguing for its potential economic benefits and the need for a more liberal approach to drug policy, while opponents express concerns about public health and safety.


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