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Demecan supplies medical cannabis to Switzerland

Demecan announced that its medical cannabis products are now being supplied to Switzerland for the first time. This is made possible by a partnership with Pure Pharma AG, a Swiss cannabis company.

According to the companies, the collaboration between Demecan and Pure Pharma AG marks an important milestone in the European availability of high-quality medicinal cannabis products. The supply includes both cannabis flowers and cannabis extracts produced to the highest pharmaceutical quality standards.

"We are thrilled to partner with Demecan and provide our patients in Switzerland with access to world-class medical cannabis," said Andreas Fäh, CEO of Pure Pharma AG.

"We are proud that Demecan is now exporting its high-quality medical cannabis products to Switzerland. This step underlines our position as a leading manufacturer and our commitment to providing the best quality to patients across Europe," said Dr. Constantin von der Groeben, Managing Director of Demecan.

Demecan and Pure Pharma AG look forward to further expanding the partnership and working together to help ensure that patients in Switzerland have access to the best medical cannabis products.

For more information:
[email protected]

Pure Pharma AG

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