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US (MN): Senator Lindsey Port champions final cannabis agency bill to Senate passage

On May 19, Senator Lindsey Port (DFL-Burnsville) successfully passed a conference committee report on a bill modifying cannabis legislation to continue the work of making Minnesota's cannabis industry the most equitable and thoughtful in the country. HF 4757, which passed 34-32, builds upon Senator Port's 2023 legislation that legalized and regulates cannabis and expunges related convictions, in Minnesota.

"The DFL's historic bill to legalize, regulate, and expunge cannabis last year was a landmark step in correcting the harms and failures of cannabis prohibition. Today, we continued that mission with the final passage of the first-ever Office of Cannabis Management agency bill," said Senator Port. "This bill builds out the framework for Minnesota's legal cannabis industry, adapts other states' best practices to Minnesotans' needs, and will ensure a successful market launch of the legal cannabis industry. I am grateful to all who lent their expertise and wisdom to this legislation, including Interim Director Charlene Briner, who has been instrumental in developing the foundation of a sustainable, socially responsible industry."

"Senator Port's leadership in shepherding the cannabis policy bill through the Legislature has been invaluable," said Charlene Briner, interim director of the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM). "We look forward to her partnership as we continue our work to launch a safe, equitable and sustainable cannabis industry throughout Minnesota."


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