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"Opening WaterWise in World Horti Center"

On Wednesday May 16, the World Horti Center opened its sixth theme square named WaterWise. In addition to the already present theme squares Cultivation for Compounds, the HortiHeroes Startup Wall, I-Grow, Power of Plants, and Value Chain, visitors to the World Horti Center can now learn everything about water in relation to horticulture. Director Puck van Holsteijn had the honor of cutting the blue ribbon under the watchful eyes of the present participants, followed by a celebratory toast.

Why WaterWise?
WaterWise focuses on one of the most critical issues of our time, water. During the United Nations Water Conference in New York in March 2023, King Willem-Alexander declared water security as one of the principal concerns of our era, a subject that will shape the future: "Everything we need to lead a decent life is related to water. Our health, food, safety, living environment, economy, infrastructure, and climate," said the King.

Water has so far been a commonplace product that comes out of the tap in many places, but it is also becoming increasingly scarce. According to the United Nations, half of the world's population will face water scarcity by 2030. "It's only logical to dedicate a space to the theme of water, which is also of immense importance to the horticultural sector, in the World Horti Center," says Puck van Holsteijn, director of the World Horti Center. At WaterWise, visitors can see the solutions that the participants of the World Horti Center have to save water, grow the best plants, or ensure water quality.

Festive opening
On May 16, WaterWise was opened in a festive manner. Under the watchful eyes of the present participants, director Puck van Holsteijn cut the blue ribbon. Afterwards, with a glass of bubbly in hand, a joint tour of the square was undertaken. Puck van Holsteijn: "Without the contribution of our participants, this theme square would have looked very different. In addition to providing various equipment and technology, they provide the content and knowledge." The World Horti Center would like to thank Genap, Metazet, Mj Tech, Ridder, Royal Brinkman, Stolze, Van der Ende Group, Robur, Growtec, and Priva for their contribution.

Even more theme squares
Two years back, the World Horti Center embarked on a new path focusing more on themes, and WaterWise is now the sixth theme square that has been opened. Previously, Cultivation for Compounds, the HortiHeroes Startup Wall, I-Grow, Power of Plants, and Value Chain were already put into use. Van Holsteijn: "Later this year, more theme squares will be added to this list. The next opening planned is Energy, another urgent theme."

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