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US (NY): Kingsborough Community College adds cannabis industry training

Kingsborough Community College (KCC) said it has renewed its partnership with Green Flower, a cannabis education company, to update their curriculum and credentials at the school, which now includes three enhanced certificate programs to provide job skills training for those interested in a cannabis career.

The program has now extended to nine weeks, with the fully online programs including certificates for cannabis cultivation specialists, cannabis retail specialists and cannabis extraction and product development specialists, according to a news release.

"Kingsborough is dedicated to reducing the opportunity gap in New York's developing cannabis workforce and preparing students for careers that offer upward mobility," said Christine Zagari-LoPorto, associate dean of Workforce Development, Continuing Education, and Strategic Community Partnerships at Kingsborough Community College.

The enhanced programs will equip students with deep industry knowledge and job-specific training, opening up numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth in the rapidly evolving cannabis sector, said Daniel Kalef, Chief Growth Officer at Green Flower.


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