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US (MI): Legal battle over alleged potency inflation keeps on going

For nearly two and a half years, Michigan's cannabis industry has watched as a multi-pronged legal battle unfolded between Michigan regulators and the state's largest cannabis testing facility.

The battle that began with one of the most expansive recalls in the fledgling industry's history has prompted flurries of legal filings and hours of depositions and hearings — the results of which could have an impact on state regulatory operations moving forward and shed light on a recall that affected a majority of retailers in 2021.

The last of the administrative hearings between Viridis Laboratories and the Cannabis Regulatory Agency concluded Wednesday after days of testimony on a fight that broke out in 2021 and shows no signs of ending any time soon. Parties will be submitting their written closing briefs and responses over the next six months. But even after a final decision is issued in the case, appeals are likely.

"You've got to step back and ask yourself: Why is the state using so many of their resources targeting one agency on what basically, it is saying, is an unapproved potency method?" said Greg Michaud, CEO and founder of Viridis Laboratories. "They're trying to justify, after the fact, their recall."


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