In Hellevoetsluis, a large legal cannabis farm has been running at full capacity for a week now. According to its owners, it is "the biggest in Europe", even. The facility measures 250 by 200 metres; tomatoes were previously grown there. The Telegraaf came to take a look. There are 27 different varieties of weed in the greenhouse. CanAdelaar is owned by two Austrian families, who have more such nurseries in Europe.
Maximilian Schreder, company director and commercial manager, told the newspaper: "This is a business investment, but with the vision that cannabis cultivation is a normal business, just like growing peppers and tomatoes. This is an ordinary business, but technically sophisticated and under strict government supervision. That we are legally allowed to grow cannabis here is because we are part of a big scientific experiment to see if we can get rid of the illegal backdoor that coffee shops still need to get their stuff now, with all the misery that entails."
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