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US (KY): Medical cannabis facilities progressing in several communities

The move to allow medical cannabis facilities is progressing in three Kentucky communities. This week, Elizabethtown's city council unanimously agreed to an ordinance to allow the facilities. That action came after the council considered an ordinance to deny medical marijuana businesses in the city limits, according to a report in the Elizabethtown News-Enterprise.

In nearby Radcliffe, the city council has started the process of preparing for potential medical cannabis in the city limits. In a work session Monday, the council saw a draft ordinance that would approve the operation of medical cannabis facilities. City Attorney Michael Pike said the ordinance is "just to open the door."

A New-Enterprise story said Radcliff could potentially be a location for one of several types of facilities, such as a cultivator, dispensary, processor, producer or safety compliance facility.

Also, in western Kentucky, the Mayfield city council unanimously approved first reading of an ordinance Monday that amends zoning regulations to allow for the cultivation, dispensing, processing, production, sale and advertising of medical cannabis in city limits. Second reading of the ordinance is slated for August.


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