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US: New data shows Midwest region is dominating the cannabis market

New markets emerge every year as cannabis legalization spreads across America. For years, the West Coast was considered the undisputed weed leader, and when the East Coast started to come online, there were high hopes it would match that energy. But the coasts have seemingly faltered, whether due to shaky rollouts or declining sales. However, one unexpected region has quietly emerged as the new marijuana market leader: the Midwest.

Most people wouldn't consider flyover country a dominating force in cannabis, but the numbers don't lie. Michigan recently overtook California as the number-one weed state by sales, selling more than 22 million cannabis products in March alone. Illinois has also seen consistent year-over-year growth, already hitting $1 billion in sales this year (two weeks earlier than it did in 2023).

Meanwhile, in Minnesota, the booming hemp-derived THC market is bringing in $130 million in sales annually. THC drinks are now sold at grocers, liquor stores, and served on tap. This popularity has led to other states taking a leap of faith in the hopes of cashing in.

There are a number of theories as to why the Midwest is experiencing a marijuana boom. Cannabis consultant Hirsh Jain believes Michigan is beating California thanks to lower prices and wider availability.


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