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Tilray receives new cannabis cultivation license in Germany under new regulations

Tilray Brands' Germany cannabis cultivation facility, Aphria RX GmbH has received a cannabis cultivation license issued under MedCanG, Germany's new Cannabis Act. The new cannabis cultivation license allows Aphria RX to cultivate and manufacture a broad commercial range of medical cannabis, providing patients with better access to high-quality medical cannabis produced in Germany.

Tilray's Chief Strategy Officer and Head of International, Denise Faltischek, commented: "We are thrilled to receive this license as it will provide greater access to some of the highest quality medical cannabis produced in Germany and enable us to expand the range of treatment options available to patients. We appreciate the trust that the German Government has placed in Tilray, and we are proud of our team for their groundbreaking work in medical cannabis cultivation and patient care."

In May 2019, Aphria RX was awarded the most comprehensive license for the cultivation of medical cannabis in Germany from the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (the "BfArM"), having been awarded a total of five lots (1,000 kgs) and was the only licensed producer in Germany with permission to grow all three strains of medical cannabis approved by the BfArM.

The introduction of the MedCan-G Bill in Germany has led to a significant increase in the number of patients and prescribers for medicinal cannabis. With the new cannabis license, Tilray is well-positioned to take full advantage of the market opportunity. Additionally, Aphria RX can now fully utilize and maximize its growing capacity while also expanding its genetics to a total of 31 approved strains from the previously approved three strains. Originally designed with guidance from Kevin Anderson, the renowned cannabis grower of Broken Coast, Aphria RX can now replicate the growing conditions at Broken Coast, maximizing Aphria RX's potential as a premium craft grower.

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