At least one Barren County farmer has officially applied to operate a medical cannabis business in Barren County. Applying was made possible for Barren County residents by a vote at the June 27 meeting of the Barren Fiscal Court.
Farmer, Cave City business owner and "hemp preacher" of Kentucky, Chad Wilson is excited for the possibility of growing medical cannabis at his farm in Cave City. Wilson is outspoken on the subject, and thinks this is a necessary step towards economic strength in the Bluegrass.
"I have been working for 12 years to get to this point, if the county itself had said 'no' I wouldn't have gotten a chance to grow. That was a scary prospect, and I am glad they voted in favor of this," Wilson said. "This is our state's heritage, and it could positively change the town and county."
Wilson said the application process was tedious, but not difficult. "It was similar to what we did for the industrial hemp program."