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A planned investment of EUR 5 million

New greenhouses and automatic cells will be built to breed insects

New growth prospects for CBC Bioplanet, the company that produces useful insects for fruit and vegetables. Thanks to the merger with the CBC Group last year, the Cesena-based company can broaden its perspectives and integrate with the organic solutions of the BiogardĀ® Division.

Vittorio Veronelli, Managing Director of CBC Europe

On Friday 16 August, CBC Europe Managing Director Vittorio Veronelli attended the traditional summer party that Bioplanet organizes with its employees. "The decision to integrate Bioplanet into CBC proved to be the right one. CBC's agricultural division, which was already important with Biogard, has been complemented by Bioplanet with a view to growth in organic crop protection. And I believe that combating beneficial insects is the most elegant biological control method there is," says Veronelli.

In detail, the planned investment in the short term is around EUR 5 million to build 2600 square meters of greenhouses and 1000 square meters of covered space for new automated cells.

Bioplanet production manager Manuel Manduchi

Manuel Manduchi, production manager at Bioplanet, explains that "thanks to CBC, we can plan for significant growth. And, through the Biogard sales network, we have the potential to reach farms not only in Italy, but all over the world. For example, we have already broadened our horizons thanks to this agreement: we have requested and obtained authorization to sell our phytoseeds also in Japan."

"From a production point of view, thanks to the new investment in new greenhouses, we will increase the production of Phytoseiulus persimilis by 50%, well exceeding the volume of over one billion specimens."

CBC is a private multinational of Japanese origin that will be 100 years old in 2025. "Our Japanese CEO always says that we must not stop at the past, but must think about the next 100 years of growth. We have to think with a long-term perspective and continue to invest in research and development."

The t-shirts read 'Bioplanet', in Japanese

Diversification is Bioplanet's watchword: "We have multiple solutions against insects such as e.g. thrips, red spider mites and mealybugs, because it is good to have more options to offer customers. We must not forget, in fact, that insects are living organisms that behave differently depending on the environment: tomato defense in Sicily is different to the same defense in the Netherlands, for example."

"That is why we need a high quality (vitality, performance) of the useful insects we sell on the one hand, and a good knowledge of the various environments and of how insects behave in relation to climate and seasonality on the other hand."

For more information:
Via Maccanone 359
Cesena (FC) - Italy
[email protected]

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