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US (OH): Grow Ohio to debut a retail store

Grow Ohio has become known for its cannabis products such as Luster Pod vape cartridges, Honey, and Dissolve infusion powder, but its next move could become a boon to Muskingum County consumers.

Grow Ohio is preparing to debut its first retail store and finish a new flower room expansion for its growing facility in the first quarter of 2025.

Grow Ohio's campus was built up on reclaimed mining grounds at 6440 Maysville Pike, just outside East Fultonham. However, it has depended on third-party platforms to sell products for several years.

"We haven't had a retail space," said Josh Febus, Grow Ohio's chief retail and marketing officer. "We've had to rely on the product success sold by other companies, and that product's had to stand on its own two feet."

Read more at Times Recorder

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