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US (OH): State "years" away from reaping rewards of record high sales

Since the sale of adult-use cannabis began back on August 6, Ohioans have spent roughly $10 million per week on the product. According to the Department of Commerce Division of Cannabis Control, as of Nov. 30, adult-use sales have topped $191 million.

The team at Cresco Labs, a marijuana growing facility in Yellow Springs, Ohio, said it has been preparing for a spike in demand since before Issue 2 passed in November 2023.

"There's been a lot of dramatic changes going on at this site," Cresco Labs Facility Manager Joe Chek said. "There was construction happening every single day. We had new people every single Monday. We were ramping up as fast as we could."

When ABC6 first visited Cresco Labs in December 2023, Chek showed us an empty greenhouse that he said would be ready for use once there was more demand. That space is now completely filled with marijuana plants.

Read more at Columbus CW

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