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US (WA): Green Rebates acquires Seinergy

Green Rebates announced on December 4 that it has entered an agreement to acquire Seinergy in a move that will create a dedicated energy rebate platform for cultivators. The acquisition is set to close in December 2024. Upon finalizing the deal, Seinergy will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Green Rebates.

"Green Rebates has experienced growth over the past three years, and we've been strategically pursuing opportunities to accelerate this momentum, expand our reach to new growers, and forge deeper partnerships with utility providers. Our acquisition of Seinergy allows us to do just that," said Dylan Collins, CEO of Green Rebates.

"I'm excited to work with Dylan and his team at Green Rebates to help our customers execute their energy efficiency projects more quickly and with less cash out of pocket," said Gunn, Seinergy's founder and CEO.

For more information:
Green Rebates


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