CannaVest workshop, diving deep into the different opportunities within the cannabis industry
The panel of the seminar about hemp
A workshop on how to make a cannabis business successful
Morgan Fox, media relations director with NCIA
A speaker during the hemp workshop discussing the top companies within the hemp industry space
The grow room of the Purple Lotus dispensary
The grow room of the Purple Lotus dispensary
Visitors were given the opportunity to visit the grow room of the Purple Lotus dispensary
The Purple Lotus dispensary
A conversation with Bruce Linton, occurred just before the exhibition kicked off
Soleil by Urban-Gro. From the left: Stan Wagner, Barbara Jacobs, Larry Dodson, Ryan Ninness and Steve Wilchek
Urban-Gro had many booths during the fair. From the left: Barbara Jacobs, Lucas Targos, and Stan Wagner
From the left: Stan Wagner, Todd Statzer, Stephen Stow, and Barbara Jacobs with Urban-Gro
David Branca with Conley's Greenhouse Manufacturing & Sales
Kerie Roark with Dino-Lite
Diana Horvath with National Engineering & Consulting
Ashlie Bonser and Cynthia Guerrero with Infrastructure Engineers
PL. Light Systems was at the show too. From the left: Steve Szewczyk, Megan Foley, Eric Moody, and Todd Philips
Clemm Noernberg and Andrew Probert with Areias Systems
David Hart with Phyto Technology Laboratories
Dave Heffner and Heather Gustin with AiroClean420
Brad Hindes and Duro Watt with CGEE Systems
Doug Miller and Zev Ilovitz with EnviroTech
From the left: Matt Dwyer, Wayne McGee, and Mike Booker with Portafab
Michael Martin and Michael Stepp with JW North America
Roberto Battiston and Bryan Hesterman with Inspire Advanced Transpiration Solutions
Vic Dondakian with eFinity
Jonhatan Jeffe and Barry Kripitzer with Quantum Leaf Solutions
Adam Pound with Agratech
From the left: Kelley Nicholson and Lindsay Harris with Autogrow America
Tom Silva with Starline
Bryan Spivey and Kristin Quiel with ProKure
Fluence by Osram participated in the show too, with a large team at the booth. From the left: Casey Rivero, Corinne Wilder, Kurt Davis, Alex Randolph, and Logan Patterson
Luke Sloan showing one of AEssenseGrows solutions
The happy team with Vital Garden. From the left: Moose Garin, Brian Malin, Bryan Raab, Jeremiah Granger, and Paul Harton
Tanner Luckenbill with Cannamix, the Pelemix's division specifically focused on the cannabis space
The team with Agnetix, brightening up the showroom with their smiles. From the left: Cristina Rodriguez, Jordan Miles, Troy Robson, Felipe Recalde, Eric Battuello, Justin Jennet, and Andrea Ebbing
Eric Synhorst and Sam Ringrose with Desert Aire
Tom Piini with Micro-Grow
Jordan Horn, Lewis Dutel and Nat Taylor with Organnx
Melinda Adamec and Brian McLaughlin with OMI Industries
Santo Bonelli and John Pratt with Quest Dehumidifiers
Chriss Wrenn and Seth Swanson with AEssenseGrows
Jeff Hollenbaugh and Amy Beal with MunchMachine
Paul Golden with Nexus
Matt Sauls with Growspan
Sunny Kaercher and Josh Holleb with Ceres Greenhouse Solutions
Chelsea Palmer with Illumitex
The team with Berger. From the left: John Bergman, Marc Charland, Julie Willimas, and Troy Haney
Marc Paynter with Argus
Josh and Joseph Buttram with B&C Properties
Everyone was a bit tired during the last day of the show
Adam Wolf and Eric Harrington with California LightWorks
Kasey Snyder and Niko Kurumaa with Netled
Jesse Levin with NCM Environmental Solutions
The team with Hawthorne. From the left: Hailey Mosca, Jerry Shyong, Tevin Atkinson, and Jack Baroutjian
Gregg Urban and Jessica Robinson with Griffin Greenhouse Supplies