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AU grape growers want cannabis crops

According to Australian news site, the demise of table grape growing in south-west Queensland, means that growers there are now keen to cultivate cannabis, on the back of the decision by the Federal Government to legalise the use of the drug for medicinal purpose.
Representatives from Queensland Health and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries met with potential growers in Atherton last week (16-20 May).
Paroo Shire Mayor Lindsay Godfrey said the Cunnamulla community was well set up to trial the production of medicinal cannabis, and was desperate for new industry in the region since the demise of the table grape industry.
"These days grapes move around the world and the premium is no longer there for table grapes, so we're looking for options," he said.
"The drought and a whole range of issues have very much depressed the local economy and lost 100 workers who came into our community to manage table grapes ... so that was an enormous economic hit to our community.''
Irrigators on the Warrego River produced table grapes for more than 30 years.
But in recent years, falling prices saw all grape growers in the Cunnamulla area pull out their vines.
Don Dunsdon said they still had the irrigation and infrastructure available.
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