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August 8, Oklahoma City

US (OK): Tetra to host cannabis indoor grow seminar

On the heels of the legalization of medicinal marijuana in Oklahoma, Tetra will be hosting a 1-day cannabis indoor grow seminar on Wednesday, August 8th. Those interested in growing for a commercial operation, applying for a license or those working with consulting groups would benefit the most. The workshop portion allows attendees to have access to a sample grow room template. Engineers will work with attendees to map out and discuss preferences for grow rooms.

John Malman, the Grow Operations Manager for The Clinic will be on hand to talk about planning a facility with a grower in mind and to take questions regarding facility operations. Alfredo Biffi, Project Development Engineer, from Ridder will discuss system controls.

The workshop/seminar will run from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m., with a networking opportunity after the workshop. Cost is $300/person.

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