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Better results through professional drying systems provides a new method for drying cannabis.

"Our company has been making drying installations for a variety of agricultural products for 45 years," the team with the company explains. "This gives us extensive experience in drying various products such as high value vegetable seeds, flower bulbs and medical plants (MAP)."

"We were approached by a grower of cannabis to provide a drying installation to him," the team continues. "He was familiar with our installations for drying and storing flower bulbs and he had already experienced that this principle for cannabis would work much better than the current methods. Obviously we were immediately enthusiastic and realized that the system for drying cannabis should be a combination of the methods we have developed for drying flower bulbs and seeds."

"During conversations with the cannabis grower the following items came up.

  • Forced airflow through the product rather than the around product
  • Controlled drying in various drying phases and adjustable drying time
  • Drying at 18C/64F
  • Separated modules for different species to maintain unique odor per species
  • No refreshment with outside air for optimal aroma.
  • Attention to Logistics.
  • Cost price reduction.
  • Modular Installation.
  • Curing and drying in the same installation."

"By combining our experience in drying and storing flower bulbs and seeds, we quickly reached the optimal drying installation for cannabis. The installation exceeded the growers expectations with perfect results."

"In this instance the quantities are large, but when drying smaller quantities, also has the solution available," the company concludes.

For more information:
Kruiswijk 4 
1761 AR Anna Paulowna
The Netherlands
[email protected]

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