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US (CA): Power outage protocols for cannabis growers and businesses

For cannabis cultivation licensees impacted by public safety power outages, please remember that loss of access to the California Cannabis Track-and-Trace System–Metrc must be reported to the CA Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) within three calendar days of losing access. You may continue operations on your licensed premises by keeping paper records and detailing all inventory-tracking activities that occurred during the power outage. A licensee may not transfer any cannabis or cannabis products from the licensed premises until access has been restored.

Please contact CDFA’s CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing Division with questions about the regulations by calling 1-833-CALGROW Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm, or visit our website at to read the laws and CDFA’s regulations § 8402, Track-and-Trace System(c)(6), and § 8402(e).


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