Nearly three years after its unorthodox passage in the West Virginia Legislature, the application period for medical cannabis growers, processors and dispensaries opens up this week.
But the specific details on how the medical cannabis program will work are still being worked out, causing delays.
According to the Bureau of Public Health in the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, the Office of Medical Cannabis will start accepting online permit applications at 3 p.m. Thursday for those wishing to grow, process and dispense medical cannabis to patients with valid prescriptions.
Applicants can go to to apply for the permits. The permit period is only open for 60 days. At 3 p.m. Feb. 18, the application period will close. The medical cannabis program is capped at up to 10 growers and processors and up to 100 dispensaries. While a person or a business can hold permits for all three permitting processes, no person can have more than 10 dispensary permits.