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Tasmanian hemp association officer says changes to laws are needed

The Tasmanian Hemp Association's new executive officer plans to ramp-up the movement to change and improve laws relating to industrial hemp in Tasmania.

Andi Lucas, who was born in Smithton and attended school in Launceston, has recently returned to Tasmania from the US with an intent to help the state grow its hemp industry.
Part of her intent relates to changing the stigma associated with industrial hemp and to separate hemp from its incorrect associations with the drug 'pot'.

The other part, which is connected to the first, is to exert pressure on state and federal lawmakers to allow hemp growers and processors to grow crops for cannabidiol, or CBD oil, on a broadacre scale, and create clear legislative frameworks for entrepreneurs wanting to market and sell hemp products.

"I came back to Tassie with the specific intent of playing my part in bringing this industry forward," Ms Lucas said.


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