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CAN: Craft cannabis licensing scheme

Similar to the beer industry, the non-medical cannabis sector has developed the niche business area of craft cannabis, which allows smaller independently owned producers to develop small scale batch productions of various strains of cannabis.

Much like its beer counterpart, the intention behind craft cannabis is to develop and curate strains of cannabis with an emphasis on quality, by using techniques and resources to develop a more desirable product.

The attention to quality and detail for craft cannabis starts from its initial seedling stage, all the way to the point of sale where marketing and product packaging are developed with an intent to provide customers with a unique experience.

Currently, the licensing scheme established by the federal government sets out three sub-classes of licenses for growing cannabis and two subclasses for making cannabis products. With respect to growing cannabis, there are nursery, micro-cultivation and standard cultivation licenses available, while for producing and processing there is either a standard processing or micro-processing license. 


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