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"Transitioning from one crop to another is a fact of life for farming"

In an interview on Forbes, founder of SpeakEasy Growers Marc Green has shared his story and his passion for the most valuable of the crops: cannabis.

"It’s funny because while I grew up living and working on the family farm, I really didn’t want to pursue farming. When I came out of high school, I was still adamant that farming would not be my destiny. That is until I planted my own half acre of ginseng in 1993. That changed everything for me. Working for myself where I could see the results of my hard work inspired me to the point, I could no longer see any other path for my life that didn’t involve farming. The connection a farmer has to their land is a difficult thing to explain but it is very much like growing roots — and I grew roots quickly," said Marc in the interview.

"Transitioning from one crop to another is a fact of life for farming. Apples, cherries, ginseng, back to cherries and finally to cannabis is was what lead me to where I am today. I began working with growers that had cannabis personal production licenses about 18 years ago, helping them with basic good farming practices, learning and testing. Through practicing different techniques and methods I began to have a respect for the plant and for the people growing it. I saw firsthand how this plant truly helped people and changed their lives for the better. But it would be another 11 years until it changed my life. In August 2013, Health Canada announced a program that would allow production of cannabis on a commercial scale. My father and I applied and were issued the 46th application for a license under the MMPR. 6 years, 3 months and 9 days later we finally achieved our cultivation license."

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