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US (WA): How cannabis growing conditions affect potency and flavor

Farm-to-table is a popular concept in restaurants these days, but have you ever thought about farm-to-pipe? How much do you know about where your cannabis comes from?

“There’s a lot you can learn about your favorite product based on where it’s grown, and by who. The flavor and effect changes based on geography, climate and other growing conditions,” says Jakob Miller, general manager at The Green Door in Seattle.

Cannabis grown outdoors is a little less dense than indoor plants, and even looks different to the naked eye. Those differences affect the flavor and the high as well. Every person is different and every product has unique characteristics, but in general you can expect outdoor plants to taste more like the land where they’re grown.

“Outdoor is always a little earthier, while indoor is a little smoother,” Miller says. “Of course there are a lot of really clean grows on both sides — and there’s no ‘best’ way to grow cannabis.”

Something else to consider? Outdoor farms are generally more environmentally sustainable, using the sun’s energy instead of grow lights and capturing nutrients from rainwater and soil. “It’s a young industry and it’s exciting to see it going in a lot of really neat directions as it grows.”


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