The Select Board held public hearings via Zoom on Tuesday evening on permits for medical cannabis retail and cultivation, three junkyards and the General Assistance Ordinance.
The board approved The Honey Comb Farm’s permits, which licenses the retail and cultivation business to expand into additional space in the Robinwood Plaza at 844 US 2. The farm will annually pay the town $250 for the Tier 1 cultivation license and $1,250 for the retail license.
The board discussed issues with the limitations that the town’s cannabis ordinance places on adult-use and medical cannabis licenses. The town has a limit of four medical caregiver retail licenses, and the Planning Board issued five of these licenses prior to the ordinance’s enactment on Aug. 17.
Several board members expressed their disagreement with having limits on the number of cultivation and retail licenses. Board member Tom Saviello requested that further discussion on possible ordinance amendments take place at the next board meeting.