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Deep water culture and cannabis growing

The Deep Water Culture system is the truest form of hydroponic systems. It is also the easiest and simplest hydroponic system for cannabis. The concept is straightforward and easy to grasp, which is why it is popular.

In DWC, your plants’ roots sit directly into an oxygenated nutrients solution for optimal absorption. The term deep reflects on the fact that the roots must be submerged deep into the water.

When there is enough water in the reservoir, there is less maintenance and monitoring required. Hence, always make sure that the plants’ roots have the right amount of water.

First of all, you need a reservoir big enough to support your DWC system. Fill it with water. Make sure that the pH of water is between 5.5 to 6.5. The high pH is best for the vegetative phase, while the low pH is for the flowering stage. The next step is to add nutrients. 


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