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Australian growers

"Minisprayers save hours of work"

"I should have got one years ago. What was previously done with a tank, pump, and retracting hose real can now be done in at least half the time with better coverage of the crop using the organic foliar fertilisers." That is said by Quentin of the Queensland (Australia) greenhouse Sun Up Farm. He talks about his IDM Minisprayer.

The IDM Minisprayer has a compact design with a low centre of gravity for stability. Thanks to its equal and homogeneous coverage, it strongly reduces the labour costs and reduces the worker exposure to chemicals significantly. "It's a customer favorite," the team with Powerplants Australia says. They have been a dealer of the machine for many years and currently have some in stock. "It saves growers hours of work." 

Huan Vo (pictured below) from Vocofresh in Virginia SA is a long-standing customer of Powerplants and has purchased multiple MiniSprayers. In addition to his 4ha Hydroponic Tomato Farm, Huan has a 2.5ha Capsicum farm down the road. He is very happy with the result and the crop is looking great.

He is well on his way to picking some high-quality tasty capsicums. "The combination of reliable technology and good advice has fast-tracked our production so we can get a good return on investment." 

For more information:
IDM Agrometal
T: + 34 950304544