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Andreas Gosch and Philipp Bösch, Metamount Schweiz AG:

Switzerland: “Classical music and hip hop promotes our cannabis plants’ growth and CBD production”

“We perform around 210,000 meticulous measurements every day in different areas of the plant. This allows us to constantly be aware of which changes, no matter how small, will have an effect on our medical cannabis plants,” say Andreas Gosch (CEO) and Philipp Bösch (Cultivation Manager) of Metamount Schweiz AG. The Swiss medical cannabis company was founded in 2019 and recently received their GACP and cultivation licenses. “We cultivate our 13,000 plants in a high-tech facility under well-reviewed hygiene conditions, meeting the high requirements of the strict Swiss legislation.”

Andreas Gosch and Philipp Bösch 

A musical production
According to Andreas and Philipp, cannabis plants enjoy being pampered throughout the day. “They get a tropical vacation climate while sipping on their favorite cocktail of nutrients, which we constantly refine. From staged sunrise to twilight, our plants listen to classical music and hip hop, which promotes their growth and CBD production. This is the plants’ preferred musical taste, as they don’t thrive in reggae or rock and roll.”

You might wonder how the growers know what music the cannabis plants like. But with their 210,000 daily plant measurements, they know how their plants react to many aspects. “We measure temperature, humidity, drainage, pH levels, plant growth per hour, and more. Through these extensive measurements, we understand exactly what our plants need and what is not good for them. According to that knowledge, we can continue to optimize our production.”

A new market
It was only at the beginning of August that Switzerland fully legalized medical cannabis. “We don’t yet know how big the market will be, but we think there is a lot of potential.” Metamount Schweiz just received their cultivation license from Swissmedic this week, making them one of the first licensed medical cannabis growers in Switzerland. Andreas and Philipp explain that it is a difficult process to get licensed, with very high standards to achieve. “Everything needs to be very high class, as clean as a hospital, and as safely secured as a prison.”

For now, the company’s focus will be the domestic market, but they hope to export in the future as well. “We have the space to double our production, but we first need to prove our value to the Swiss market and clients.”

For more information:
Metamount Schweiz AG