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The benefits of using bat excrement as a cannabis fertilizer

Cannabis, like every other plant, requires the presence of sufficient nutrients, either macro or micro, to grow optimally and healthily. Apart from the natural nutrients contained in the soil, external sources of nutrient supply have been proven helpful in plant sustenance and health.

Hence, it becomes imperative for a farmer to purchase extra nutrients or supplements that facilitate plant processes and boost harvests. One of the primary nutrient sources is fertilizers. Their usage isn’t restricted to the cultivation of cannabis; they are used to cultivate all kinds of crops.

Why is the bat guano fertilizer so good for cannabis?
Bat guanos are the harvested and treated excrements of bats used as fertilizers in cultivating plants and, by extension, cannabis plants. The fame associated with using bat guanos in the cannabis industry stems from their richness in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.

Their suitability and relevance in maximizing the two major phases of cannabis plants have made them popular. Bat guanos can be used in the vegetative and budding stages of a cannabis plant’s life cycle, depending on the type purchased. This implies that some brands offer bat guanos that are vegetative phase friendly while some offer flowering phase compatible ones.

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