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Cresco Labs announces board director Sidney Dillard’s resignation

Cresco Labs announced that board director Sidney Dillard has tendered her resignation. Ms. Dillard has accepted a board position at a large national health insurance provider and is resigning from her Cresco Lab’s board position to avoid any potential regulatory conflicts.

We are disappointed to see Sidney go, but we wish her the best in her new endeavor. I know she will be the same trusted advisor, independent voice, and driver of evolution in her new role,” said Charles Bachtell, Cresco Labs CEO and Co-founder. “Sidney’s depth of experience and professionalism has set the bar high, and we will ensure that our board continues to have industry-leading diversity of experience and knowledge.”

Ms. Sidney Dillard added, “I’d like to thank Cresco for the wonderful experience of working with an incredible team, and a true industry leader focused on developing a diverse, responsible, respectable, and robust cannabis industry. I’m confident they will have continued success, and I look forward to watching from the sideline as they achieve their goals and mission. Unfortunately, today’s federal legal structure can force experienced professionals needed to shape the future of this industry to make difficult choices – I am hopeful that this will be addressed in the near future.”

Dillard’s resignation is effective immediately.

For more information:
Cresco Labs
[email protected]

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