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Application to open testing lab

Guam: "Key obstacle stalling the cannabis industry could be resolved now"

A key obstacle blocking legal sales in the island's stalled adult-use cannabis industry is scheduled to be addressed and potentially resolved at the next Cannabis Control Board meeting at the end of this month.

Department of Revenue and Taxation Director Dafne Mansapit-Shimizu confirmed Tuesday for The Guam Daily Post that the board has received a "Responsible Official" application related to a potential testing lab.

Mansapit-Shimizu told the Post the application was received on October 21, and it is being reviewed by DRT's Compliance Branch. "It is on our agenda for the next Cannabis Control Board meeting," she said.  

The Cannabis Control Board will consider the application at its next meeting, set for October 31. The board at that meeting will also consider two more Responsible Official Cannabis Identification Card applications for prospective commercial cannabis businesses on Guam.

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