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Guam: Board approves first applicant for cannabis lab

Seven more people were approved Monday as “responsible officials” for the island’s adult-use cannabis industry, including the first applicant for a testing lab, Pacific Analytical Services. Cannabis retail stores cannot legally sell cannabis unless it has been tested by an approved and licensed lab.

“I do want to say a special thanks to the lab applicant because, as you folks all know, we cannot move in this industry unless the lab is in place,” said Cannabis Control Board board member Theresa Arriola, director of the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center.

“I’m particularly concerned about content and lab passage of product because, as much as we want to be responsible, promote responsible use, I specifically am concerned about children getting their hands on products that have not been tested.”

The board on Monday approved the issuance of responsible official identification cards to Vic Lin Wang for retail store Wang Brother Holding; Rong Sou Stephen Chen for a retail store High 9; Marley Jose V. Cruz for retail store Marley’s Pot Shop; Jimmy Hsieh, for retail store Hsieh Group; Darlene Cruz, for retail store Rooted Industries; Stephen Marcel Biscoe, for type 1 cultivator Greenland Farms; and Shintaro Okada, for testing lab Pacific Analytical Services.

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