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US (NY): Cannabis regulators publish proposed rules for the state’s marketplace

Ahead of its big meeting, New York’s Cannabis Control Board and the Office of Cannabis Management have released the much-anticipated draft regulations governing the state’s cannabis marketplace – in addition to recommending dozens of applicants for the Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary (CAURD) license, along with a slew of other regulatory resolutions.

The proposed adult-use cannabis regulations clock in at 282 pages and cover municipal rulemaking, social and economic equity rules, general business requirements, prohibitions, and more. If adopted, the public will have 60 days to comment on the proposed rules from the date they are published in the State Register.

Also, the board is expected tomorrow to approve 36 CAURD licenses. However, due to a recent court order, the board will not be issuing licenses for the five geographic regions of Brooklyn, Central New York, the Finger Lakes, mid-Hudson, or Western New York.

Those granted a CAURD license will not be allowed to begin operations “until the completion of a secondary supplemental application to the satisfaction of the Office, including completing a notification to the appropriate municipality where the conditional adult-use retail dispensary will be located.”

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